2021年8月10日,清华大学人工智能国际治理研究院院长薛澜、副院长梁正、助理研究员余振在知名国际学术期刊Regional Studies上发表题为《A data-driven global innovation system approach and the rise of China’s artificial intelligence industry》的论文。现将摘要编译推出,以飨读者。

Building upon the global innovation system (GIS) framework, this paper develops an analytical approach to incorporate data as a foundation-level resource in data-driven innovation systems and to unravel how the interplay of system resources’ spatial characteristics, multi-scalar institutions, and actor strategies lead to the emergence of China’s artificial intelligence industry. China’s loose institutional regime significantly facilitates the formation of the market, legitimacy, and data, while entrepreneurs and digital platforms are the key actors coupling system resources to China’s innovation system. As data become a critical resource, actors controlling data develop institutional power to shape the formation of the data-driven industry.

Zhen Yu, Zheng Liang & Lan Xue (2021) A data-driven global innovation system approach and the rise of China’s artificial intelligence industry, Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1954610
Regional Studies:创刊于1967年,是一份月刊形式的学术期刊,涵盖区域研究和区域科学领域的理论发展、实证分析和政策辩论的研究,是区域研究协会的官方期刊,由Routledge出版。