Professor and Dean
LL.B. & LL.M, Jilin University
PhD, China University of Political Science and Law
Post Doctorate, Peking University
Oversea Experience
Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne (1999-2000)
Senior Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg (2002)
Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School (2009.1-10)
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2015-2016)
Domestic Experience
2008.12- present Professor of Law, Tsinghua University
2003.06---2008.12 Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
2001.10---2003.06 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Peking University
1992.07---2001.10 Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Jilin University.
Executive Council Member of Civil Law Research Association of China Law Society
Vice President of China Health Law Society
Vice President of China’s Legal Education Society
Vice President of China Cyber and Information Law Society
Vice President of Property Law Research Association of Beijing Law Society
Research Field: Property, Contract, Torts, Bioethics & Health Law
1.Study on the Theory of the Right of Expectation,Sponsored by the Taiwan Zhongliu Cultural and Educational Fund and Himalaya Fund.
2. Study on Reservation of Ownership and Reference, Sponsored by China Post-doctoral Fund.
3. Modern Security System and Legislation on Property Rights in China, Program for Scholars Returned from Abroad, Sponsored by the Ministry of Education.
4. Study on the Reformation of German Obligations Law and its Influence on the Compilation of New Chinese Civil Law, Program of National Social Science Fund.
5. Study on the Legal Problem of Human Organ Donation and Transplantation, Sponsored by Tsinghua University.
Legislative Proposals on the Establishment of Priority System in China: Second Prize in the 1997 Forum of Civil and Economics Law
On the Institution of Contract Saving: Second Prize as the Best Research Paper on Social Science in Jilin University
Horizontal Expansion and Functional Transformation: Multiple Angles of the Need for the Residence Right System in China: the Best Research Prize on China Law Society in 2006
Tsinghua University Advanced Employee in 2005
Tsinghua University Young Scholar Award in 2006
the Seventh Award for “National Top Ten Outstanding Young Jurists” in 2014
The Fifth Basic Teaching Skills of Young Faculty from Beijing Universities Competition: the Best Lesson Plan Prize
Study on the Theory of the Right of Expectation: Second Prize in the Tenth Philosophy and Social Science Excellence Achievement Award in Beijing