清华大学经济管理学院管理学博士(2008)、工程物理系工学硕士(2004),美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington)访问学者(2016-2017),德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University)访问学者(2008);曾挂职北京市朝阳区信息化工作办公室主任助理(2006-2007),现兼任中国行政管理学会信息公开与政务服务研究会副秘书长、中国城市科学会数字城市专委会物联网学组副组长、北京市城市管理科技协会理事长、中国软科学研究会理事、住建部信息技术应用标准化委员会委员。
主要从事电子政务与网络治理、公共大数据与政策信息学、创新2.0与智慧城市发展等方面研究;主持国家自然科学基金、北京市社会科学基金、北京市哲学社会科学规划、城市中国计划等项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、重大项目及国家社会科学基金重大项目研究,入选北京市青年社科人才资助(2015);在《城市发展研究》、《公共管理学报》、《管理科学学报》、《社会学研究》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《中国软科学》、《中国行政管理》和Computer in Human Behavior、Electronic Commerce Research、Government Information Quarterly、Information & Management、Information Processing & Management、Information Systems Frontiers、Journal of Global Information Management、Online Information Review等中英文重要期刊及ASPA、ICIS、HICSS、PACIS、UAA等国际学术会议上发表论文50余篇,出版中、英文学术专著各1部。 开设或参与开设包括:社会研究方法(公共管理学院研究生)、电子政务(MPA)、大数据治理与政策(全校研究生)、大数据分析A(全校研究生)。
Zhang Nan*, Zhao Xuejiao, Zhang Zhongwen, Meng Qingguo, Tan Haibo. What Factors Drive Open Innovation in China’s Public Sector? A Case Study of Official Document Exchange via Microblogging (ODEM) in Haining.Government Information Quarterly, 2017, 34(1): 126-133.SSCI (4.01, Q1)
Zhang Nan*, Lu Zhikui, Shou Yunyun. The Dominant Role of Governing Structure in Cross-Sector Collaboration in Developing China: Two Case Studies of Information Integration in Local Government One-Stop Services.Information Technology for Development, 2017, 23(3): 554-578.SSCI (1.39)
Cui Xiling,Zhang Nan*, Lowry P. B. The Agent Bidding Habit and Use Model (ABHUM) and Its Validation in the Taobao Online Auction Context.Information & Management, 2017, 54(3): 281-291.SSCI/SCI (3.89, Q1)
Ma Baojun,Zhang N*, Liu Guannan, Li Liangqiang, Yuan Hua. Semantic Search for Public Comments on Urban Affairs: A Probabilistic Topic Modeling-based Approach.Information Processing & Management, 2016, 52(3): 430-445.SSCI/SCI (3.44, Q1)
Meng Qingguo,Zhang Nan*, Zhao Xuejiao, Li Fangling, Guan Xin. The Governance Strategies for Public Emergencies on Social Media and Their Effects: A Case Study Based on the Microblog Data.Electronic Markets, 2016, 26(1): 15-29.SSCI (3.81, Q1)
Zhang Nan*, Meng Qingguo, Guo Xunhua, Yin Cong, Luo Hang. Key E-Government Issues in China: An Empirical Study Based on the Orientation-Maturity Framework.Electronic Commerce Research, 2015, 15(3): 407-425.SSCI (1.49)
Chen Guoqing, Zhao Yannan,Zhang Nan*, Wang Fang, Guo Xunhua. Task- Technology Fit in Workplaces: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis in the Context of Mobile Government.International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2015, 18(5): 455-477.SSCI (1.74)
Luo Nianlong, Guo Xunhua*, Zhang Jin, Chen Guoqing,Zhang Nan. Understanding the Continued Use of Intra-Organizational Blogs: An Adaptive Habituation Model.Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, 50(9): 57-65.SSCI (3.54, Q1)
Zhang Nan*. The Role of Web 2.0 Applications on Niche Cultures Diffusion.Online Information Review, 2011, 35(5): 734-746.SSCI/SCI (1.68)
Zhang Nan, Guo Xunhua*, Chen Guoqing. Why Adoption and Use Behavior of IT/IS Cannot Last? Two Studies in China.Information Systems Frontiers, 2011, 13(3): 381-395.SSCI/SCI (3.23, Q1)
Guo Xunhua*,Zhang Nan. User Attitude towards Mandatory Use of Information Systems: A Chinese Cultural Perspective.Journal of Global Information Management, 2010, 18(4): 1-18.SSCI (0.61)
Zhang Nan*, Guo Xunhua, Chen Guoqing, Chau P. Y. K. Impact of Perceived Fit on E-Government User Evaluation: A Study with a Chinese Cultural Context.Journal of Global Information Management, 2009, 17(1): 49-69.SSCI (0.61)
Zhang Nan, Guo Xunhua*, Chen Guoqing. IDT-TAM Integrated Model of IT Adoption.Tsinghua Science & Technology, 2008, 13(3): 306-311.
马宝君,张楠*,谭棋天.基于政民互动大数据的公共服务效能影响因素分析.中国行政管理, 2018, 34(10): 109-115.
赵雪娇,张楠*,孟庆国.基于开放数据的腐败防治:英国的实践与启示.公共行政评论, 2017, 10(1): 74-90.
王连峰,宋刚,张楠*. “五位一体”智慧城管核心要素与互动关系:基于创新2.0视角的分析.城市发展研究, 2017, 24(3): 67-73.封面文章
张楠*.公共衍生大数据分析与政府决策过程重构:理论演进与研究展望.中国行政管理, 2015, 31(10): 19-24.
张楠*,陈雪燕,宋刚.中国智慧城市发展关键问题的实证研究.城市发展研究, 2015, 22(6): 27-33.封面文章
张钟文,张楠*,孟庆国.面向网络问政的政府社交媒体运作机制创新研究:以政务微博为例.公共管理评论, 2015, 20(1): 41-57.
谭海波,孟庆国,张楠.信息技术应用中的政府运作机制研究:以J市政府网上行政服务系统建设为例.社会学研究, 2015, 30(6): 73-98.
宋刚,张楠*,朱慧.城市管理复杂性与基于大数据的应对策略研究.城市发展研究, 2014, 21(8): 95-102.封面文章
张楠*,姚之驹,周洁馨,陈佐亮. IT绩效影响与组织规模调节效应:来自机械行业的实证分析.系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(7): 1640-1646.
宋雅琴,王有强,张楠.政府绩效视角下的行政管理体制改革战略反思:基于地方政府公务员的感知调查.公共管理学报, 2012, 9(4): 1-11.
关欣,张钟文,张楠,孟庆国.政府公职人员微博接受意愿的影响因素研究.图书情报工作, 2012, 56(11): 115-122.
张楠*,林绍福,孟庆国.现行科技政策体系与ICT自主创新企业反馈研究.中国软科学, 2010, 14(3): 22-26.封面文章
张楠*,孟庆国,郭迅华.电子政务研究回顾1999-2009:基于SSCI文献的分析.公共管理评论, 2010, 9(1): 143-161.
郭迅华,张楠*,黄彦.开源软件的采纳与应用:政府组织环境中的案例实证.管理科学学报, 2010, 20(11): 65-76.
张楠*,郭迅华,陈国青.行为建模角度信息技术采纳研究综述.科学管理研究, 2009, 27(4): 13-19.
宋刚,张楠*.创新2.0:知识社会环境下的创新民主化.中国软科学, 2009, 13(10): 60-65.封面文章、2010年第3期《新华文摘》全文转载
张楠,郭迅华,陈国青.信息技术初期接受扩展模型及其实证研究.系统工程理论与实践, 2007, 27(9): 123-130.
Zhang Nan, Guo Xunhua. Electronic Government Adoption in China: Multiple Research Perspectives in the Post-Informationization Age. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014.获清华大学文科出版基金资助
Zhang Nan, Zhao Xuejiao. E-Government in China (Chapter 22). In Routledge Handbook on Information Technology in Government (Chen Y. & Ahn M. J. ed.), New York: Taylor & Francis, 2017, 362-379.
张楠,宋刚.利用创新2.0驱动智慧城市转型升级.中国国际智慧城市发展蓝皮书(2015) (田舒斌),北京:新华出版社, 2015, 67-71.
孟庆国,张楠.网络社会发展战略(第七章).互联网发展战略(汪玉凯,高新民),北京:学习出版社, 2013, 167-188.
陈国青,郭迅华,张楠,罗念龙,李乃宸.中国文化背景下的新兴信息系统采纳(第四章), Web2.0环境下的用户行为及影响(第五章).新兴电子商务:参与者行为(陈国青等),北京:清华大学出版社, 2013, 59-119.
孟庆国,张楠,关欣,吕志奎,张钟文.网络时代的政府行政管理改革(第一章).行政体制改革新探索(中国行政体制改革研究会研究部),北京:国家行政学院出版社, 2012, 1-42.
Zhang Nan, Guo Xunhua, Chen Guoqing, Chau, P. Y. K. User Evaluation of E-Government Systems: A Chinese Cultural Perspective (Chapter 4). In International Enterprises and Global Information Technologies: Advancing Management Practices (Tan F. ed.), Hershey: IGI Global, 2011, 63-84.
关欣,张楠,孟庆国.地方政府信息公开比较研究及对策分析(第18章).中国电子政务发展报告(2011):迈向新阶段的地方电子政务(洪毅,王长胜),北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2011, 191-201.
Zhang Nan, Chen Y., Ma Baojun. Bureaucratic Responsiveness on Chinese Local Government Websites: Leveraging Big Data to Measure Central-Local Governments Relationship. In the 16th Public Management Research Conference (PMRC2018), Singapore.
Zhang Nan, He Xiaopei, Zhu Zhe. Exploring the Successful Paths of Smart Communities Development: A QCA study. In the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM2017), Atlanta, U.S.
Zhang Nan, Lu Zhikui, Shou Yunyun. Cross-Sector Collaboration and Information Integration in Local Government One-Stop Services Centers: The Experiences and Lessons from a Case Study in China. In the 50th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS50-2017), Big Island, U.S.
Tan Haibo, Zhao Xuejiao,Zhang Nan. Technology Symbolization: Exploring the Political Mechanism of IT Implementation in Local e-Government Projects. In the 17th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o2016), Shanghai, China.
Zhu Zhe,Zhang Nan. Rights, Obligations and Multi-Agent Relationship in the Public Services Based on Big Data: A Case Study from the Public Goods Supply Perspective. In the 20th Annual International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM2016), Hong Kong, China.
Zhang Nan, Ma Baojun. Constructing a Methodology toward Policy Analysts for Understanding Online Public Opinions: A Probabilistic Topic Modeling Approach. In the 14th IFIP Electronic Government and 7th Electronic Participation Conference (EGOV/ePART2015), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Zhang Nan, Chen Xueyan. Key Issues of Smart City Development in China: An Empirical Survey. In the 76th American Society for Public Administration’s Annual Conference (ASPA2015), Chicago, U.S.
Zhang Nan. Measuring Civic Awareness and Validating Its Impact on E-Participation: An Empirical Study on a G2C Platform Adoption in China. In the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2014), Chengdu, China.
Zhang Nan, He Xiaopei, Chen Sheng. Understanding Short-Term Impact of the Industrial Support Policies on the Urban Development: An Empirical Study Based on the Smart City Related Policies in Wuxi. In the 44th Urban Affairs Association Conference (UAA2014), San Antonio, U. S.
Zhang Nan, Yin Cong, Meng Qingguo, Guo Xunhua. The Orientation-Maturity Framework for Understanding the E-Government Key Issues in China. In the 47th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS47-2014), Big Island, U.S.
Zhang Nan, Song Gang, Zhang Zhongwen. The Different Ideological Systems of Innovation between Europe and U.S. in the Smarter City Development: Case Analysis, Cultural Explanation, and Practical Value for Other Countries. In the Ninth Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD9-2013), Baltimore, U.S.
Zhang Zhongwen,Zhang Nan, Meng Qingguo. Understanding Impact of Internet Media on Patient-Clinician Trust: Model Development and Research Design. In the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2011), Shanghai, China.
Zhang Nan, Guan Xin, Meng Qingguo. Exploring Different Roles between Service Expectation and Technology Expectation in Citizen’s E-Government Continuance Adoption: An Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model. In the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2011), Brisbane, Australia.
Zhang Nan, Guo Xunhua, Wang Fang, Chen Guoqing, Wei Qiang. Task-Technology Fit in Mobile Work: Exploring the Links between Task Attributes and Technology Characteristics. In the Tenth International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB2011), 268-274, Como, Italy.
Guo Xunhua, Zhao Yannan, Jin Yan,Zhang Nan. Theorizing a Two-Sided Adoption Model for Mobile Marketing Platform. In the 31st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2010), Saint Louis, U.S.
张楠.城市副中心规划的互联网思维.《网络传播》2016年6月刊, 40-41.
张楠.创新理念 监管变革.《人民日报》2015年11月26日第23版.